Newspaper, newsletters and magazines – yeah, we do that.  And, we love it.  We are newspaper people.  Still, we do some stuff that is normally not even a consideration for web offset.

Annual Reports, really?  Really, ask Humboldt Area Foundation.  They print a very high end report each year.  They cut their budget in half by walking away from sheetfed and into the welcoming arms of Western Web.  They didn’t sacrifice quality, just saved money for their foundation.  Really.

Maps?  Yup, the State Parks in our area all use our web press to print large, gorgeous, affordable maps.

Short runs?  We can run as few as one thousand  copies of a multi-page document and save you money due to our state of the art registration and color presetting.

We do many things you just don’t think of printing on a web press.  We save people who think outside the box big bucks.  Not sure?  Give Steve a call at 707-444-6236 x 7501.  You may be surprised.